Transitioning to Raw

Transitioning to a raw diet.

You can transition at any age. At 4 weeks of age, a puppy is ready to progress from their mother's milk to more solid food. Ideally, you would not be adopting a puppy before 8 weeks of age, so we recommend your breeder should manage the introduction of solid foods before you feed our diet from 8 weeks of age or older. Many breeders will already be feeding a raw diet before you take your puppy home.

It is best to transition your puppy to a raw diet as soon as their digestive system will allow. You can expect some soft poo as they adjust to the new diet. Provided your fur baby is in good spirits, this should pass in a few days.

If you are already feeding kibble, then it is often best to transition to raw food straight away, rather than mixing them together. Kibble digests very differently to raw food, so letting both food type’s digest together can keep potentially harmful bacteria in the digestive tract for longer. If you want to keep feeding kibble, then we recommend you feed as a separate small meal, rather than mixing them together.

If your puppy has diarrhoea for three or more days, you should either try cooking your raw food or switch to a food that you know agrees with them. You can reintroduce another protein source to get an idea of what is upsetting them. If they show further signs of ill health, such as refusal to eat or lethargy, seek medical advice of your vet.

Easy Process

Improve Health

Cost Effective

Great for Puppy's

Protein, Start with a single.

When you first start feeding puppy food, it is better to stay consistent with your meals for the first 2-3 weeks. This ensures they take to the diet properly and helps you find any sensitivities if they exist. If they adjust to this diet without digestive upset, you are ready to offer other protein sources for variety, if you choose.

Balanced nutrition.

To support their growing bodies and immune systems, we should feed meals that give puppies complete and balanced nutrition. This is especially important for a large breed puppy, who will have special needs to build strong bones as they grow. Too much calcium is problematic, as well as too little.

Remember Bone Safe

It is important to consider the safety of any bones you feed to a small puppy. The size of the bones should always be appropriate for them to chew safely, without swallowing pieces too big for them.

In a minced recipe, the bones should be so finely ground that they can eat them mixed in with their normal meal. Otherwise, they should be big enough that they only shave off small pieces as they work their jaws. You should be especially careful with small breeds or greedy eaters for choking hazards.

In order of increasing size, you can feed chicken frames, chicken necksturkey neckslamb bones, kangaroo spine, kangaroo tail and marrow bones. Smaller, finely cut bones can be fed daily, while chewing bones should be given no more than twice per week. We suggest you monitor and supervise chewing, feeding less if they become constipated.

What should I feed my puppy?

For a healthy, growing puppy, we recommend Buddy’s Bites BARF (Beef or Chicken). This recipe is suitable for all life stages of life, including for large breeds. It has been specially formulated following the BARF food guidelines.

Puppies will eat similar raw ingredients to adult dog food. However, the nutrient ratios will change with their requirements as they grow.

Amount + frequency of feeding.

Puppies eat almost the same amount of food as an adult dog during their rapid growth stage. Puppies burn energy faster than adults, but their tummies are smaller. You will need to feed your puppy several times a day in smaller portions. Following the standard total daily calculation but split that total into multiple meals. As far as how often to feed a puppy, feeding 2-3 meals per day is ideal. It's important to follow a steady routine for your puppy feeding schedule. Giving them consistency will help with training, reduce begging and make them less fussy.

Calculating your diet.

This chart helps calculate the daily amount of raw food required for a growing pooch. The amounts are calculated per day. The total daily feeding recommendation should be balanced between the nutrients mentioned above. Splitting the total daily requirement into smaller meals helps aid your puppy's digestion and prevents bloating.

You should regularly check your puppy's weight and activity levels to maintain good balance between weight maintenance and growth. For a large breed dog, you have a little more leeway to adjust amounts based on daily activity. Depending on their age, you will feed a percentage of their total current bodyweight per day in kg.

Age % of Bodyweight Calculation
8 to 10 weeks 10% 0.1 x bodyweight
10 to 16 weeks 8% 0.08 x bodyweight
16 - 20 weeks 7% 0.07 x bodyweight
20 - 24 weeks 6% 0.06 x bodyweight
24 - 36 weeks 5% 0.05 x bodyweight
36 - 56 weeks 4% 0.04 x bodyweight
56 - 68 weeks 3% 0.03 x bodyweight
68 weeks plus 2-4%* 0.02-0.04 x bodyweight
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